From Uncontrolled to Ideal: Measuring, managing, and improving your customer’s experience
Creating technical information is a process. And we know that the internal process ultimately translates to the customer experience. So by improving the process, we can improve the customer experience. To do this, we start with mapping every moment of truth–each interaction our customers have with our documentation. When we know the moments of truth, we can calculate how much we disrupt our customers–the disruption factor. After we know this information, we can innovate and make large-scale, measurable gains.
In this methodology, less is more–the fewer interactions, the better because there is less potential for the experience to fail and result in a negative customer experience.
Using this methodology and innovation practice, we improved our customer experience with documentation by 88% at Danfoss Power Solutions, from uncontrolled to ideal. And we reduced the moments of truth from 22 to 6.
After learning the methodology, you can take the same journey to quantify how much you disrupt your customers and measure the improvement to the customer experience. You can take your customer’s experience from uncontrolled to ideal.
Meet the Presenter
Theodore Wolff has a decade of experience in technical documentation across hydraulic machinery manufacturing, semiconductors, and agriculture machinery. He is currently the global team leader for technical documentation at Danfoss Power Solutions where his team helps to engineer a sustainable tomorrow. At Danfoss, Theodore has led a team out of the desktop publishing world and into the topic-based world of DITA. Now he and his team are turning their attention to helping their organization make a shift to a customer-focused mindset.
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