The More Things Change: Leveraging the Opportunity in Industry Landscape Transformation
We all know that change is inevitable, and as we are seeing, the technical communication industry is proving that old aphorism: “The more things change, the more they stay the same.” Shifts in societal communication, transitions in how people use and purchase goods and services, advances and innovations in delivering those goods and services, and our own industry’s adjustments and transformation as a result of the changes around us—all of these create new and different trends, pressures, and accountability for leaders and managers of technical content teams.
Join Andrea to discuss our industry’s landscape of change and the resulting transformation that is taking place, from audience expectations and resulting customer experiences to business pressures and how they play out for content teams, from roles and skills in other teams to our roles and skills and how they interact, and from traditional to transformed content team culture. The ever-increasing speed of these changes can be nerve-wracking…or we can leverage our core skills and embrace our current situation as a significant opportunity for impact, results, and demonstrating our value to the other teams and the larger organization.
Meet the Presenter
Andrea is a sought-after keynote speaker, workshop leader, author, consultant, and coach. Her company, Idyll Point™ Group, helps businesses make their customers wildly successful by teaching content teams to operate like a business, developing rockstar content leaders, and providing customer-retention coaching. Andrea is an STC Fellow and past President, a Certified Online Training Professional (COTP), host of the After the Sale podcast, Executive Editor of STC’s Intercom magazine, and Program Chair for UCSC’s technical writing certificate. Connect with her on LinkedIn, Twitter, FaceBook, or Instagram.
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