Becoming a Data-Driven Documentation Team
Does your documentation library include embarrassing gaps? Are most of your readers ending up reading old content? How many users failed to find answers? Is your most important content also the most popular content? Learn how you can leverage data and analytics tools to create a more data-driven approach to your documentation practices, by tracking which content is being read, which searches are not getting results, how old your content is, where users are coming from, and more. Join us to learn the difference between dry data versus data which delivers actionable insights, to make your teams more productive, and your content more relevant.
Meet the Presenter
Joe Gelb has over twenty years of experience helping enterprises implement, maintain and capitalize on structured content. At Zoomin Software, he has spearheaded the development of advanced technology solutions for dynamic content delivery.
Prior to founding Zoomin and Suite Solutions, Joe was the CTO at Live Linx, a leading provider of software and system integration services for technical product information, where he designed and implemented solutions for aerospace, defense, manufacturing and hi-tech companies. Joe holds a degree in Mechanical Engineering from Stevens Institute of Technology.
Lawrence Orin is Zoomin’s Product Evangelist and Customer Implementation Expert, offering customers a deeper understanding of content strategy, and helping with their implementation with his experience as a customer of Zoomin in his previous positions. Prior to that, he was Documentation Manager at Riverbed, where he used Zoomin’s help portal to publish modern help content for customers of SteelCentral Aternity, searching in any Aternity publication, in any version, and featuring innovations like fail-safe context sensitive help, glossary popups and much more. Prior to that, Lawrence led the documentation team in Radvision, where he pioneered blending marketing content into technical writing to create more sales-driven documentation. He has also led teams in technical support, customer services, and has worked as a programmer and graphic designer. He holds a BSc. in Computer Science with Cognitive Science from University College London (UCL).
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