Rare Bird Submission

To be eligible for the Rare Bird award, all entrants must submit their Best Practice for consideration  by July 21, 2016.

The Rare Bird award was established in 2004 and is given for distinguished contributions to best practices in the management of information development. The award is made to the manager or team who submits their best practice for consideration by the judges prior to the annual CIDM Best Practices Conference.

The Rare Bird Award recognizes the achievement of managers and their teams in developing a best practice that

  • demonstrates the ability of the organization to be innovative
  • increases the efficiency and productivity of the organization
  • provides a clear benefit to customers
  • has the ability to transform an organization from ordinary to extraordinary
  • can be effectively transferred to other organizations
  • demonstrates the leadership abilities of the organization to peers, management, and professional colleagues

We prefer that the managers submitting applications for the Rare Bird Award take an active role in the Best Practices annual conference through participation as a speaker or as a showcase or panel participant. Attendance at the September conference is a requirement in order for your submission to be considered.

Scoring Guidance

5—An exemplary best practice supported by superior anecdotal evidence and metrics.

4—Exceeds the expectations for the category. Supported by anecdotal evidence and/or metrics.

3—Meets the expectations for the category. Supported by anecdotal evidence and/or metrics.

2—Somewhat meets the expectations for the category.

1—Does not meet expectations for the category.

Members of the judging panel are available to discuss prospective submissions. If you have questions or would like to discuss your submission with a member of the Rare Bird Judging Panel, please contact us.

Rare Bird Award submission form:

Must be registered to attend the BP 2016 Conference

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