Searching for Waste in All the Right Places

Most of us think of waste in business and processes with a traditional view of isolated functions and teams. In our efforts to reduce waste within team processes, we actually create more within the rest of the organization. The goal of reducing waste is not about reducing costs, nor is it solely about maximizing efficiencies and effectiveness for teams. In her presentation, Joanne will talk about how our traditional views and management of waste in business has actually led to increasing waste in our use of technology. By applying the principles and practices of Lean Thinking to Information Management, we can position ourselves as orchestrators of waste reduction throughout the entire organization.

JmoleskyJoanne Molesky is coauthor of Lean Enterprise: How High Performance Enterprises Innovate at Scale published by O’Reilly books. She currently works as a Principal Associate at ThoughtWorks, a global software development company that has been practicing Agile Development and Lean Transformation practices in the use of technology for over 14 years. She speaks internationally to executive of ThoughtWorks’ clients and the Software Delivery community on how to apply lean principles to the use of technology for maximum benefit. Her past experiences include Business Analysis, Technical Writing, Quality Assurance and IT Governance, Risk and Compliance.

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