Live feedback to authors

Presentation Abstract

Authors are just like people: they like to get recognition for what they do. Feedback engages people, as long as it is well-timed and relevant.

Real-time feedback can be given on content-quality, such as readability, Search Engine Score, the presence of thesaurus terms, but also live statics on use, sharing and comments. All of these are ingredients of a truly engaging authoring environment

To introduce Semantic Intelligence Tooling into the authoring process is key. We do so by providing authors real-time feedback on content-quality and by pro-actively suggesting tags, links and consistent language.

What can attendees expect to learn?

How do we use experiences from online publishing for improving the author’s engagement?  What drives online behavior, how do we engage people? How can semantics and analytics help to make structured authoring easier to do? In other words: how authoring becomes efficient and fun.  Jan Benedictus will show examples of how direct feedback is given to authors.

Meet the Presenter


Jan Benedictus MSc. is an experienced entrepreneur with focus on online publishing and content strategy. He has the Dutch nationality and works and lives in The Hague.

Jan has over 15 years of experience in online Publishing. He founded interactive agency Liones in 1999 and FontoXML in 2013.

Based on experience in designing, building and optimizing websites and applications, his 35 person team now develops and implements SME centered authoring for publishers, government and enterprises. Jan is actively involved in many of the implementation projects.

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