
Wednesday – November 8, 2023

To access the correct Zoom Meeting, please click the appropriate link for morning or afternoon sessions.

We encourage you to participate in each of the sessions to develop actionable takeaways for yourself and your team.


All times shown are Pacific Standard Time



Session Title


8:30 – 9:25 AM A Framework to Identify your AI Use Cases    Paresh Naik
BMC Software
9:25 – 10:20 AM GenAI in Action – Tech Doc Real-Life Applications    Fabrice Lacroix
10:35 – 11:30 AM AI-Assisted Solutions for Localization Projects    Jan Bares, Argos Multilingual
Charles Dowdell, Accuray
11:30 AM – 12:30 PM Break
12:30 – 1:45 PM Lessons from the AI Trenches – Panel    Janice Cadel, Shiji Group
Paul Lorentz, Axway
Ryan Shubert, CommScope
Joe Gelb, Zoomin
2:00 – 2:55 PM Virtual AI Experience for Customers – A Trial Run    Catherine Lyman, HPE
Josh Johnson, HPE
2:55 – 3:30 PM Wrap Up!
(Large Group Discussion)
Dawn Stevens
CIDM Director